Project Vriddhi (Growth)
Project Vriddhi (Growth)
Project Vriddhi promotes and protects the ‘Right to Education’ for all. It is an important aspect of our violence response that looks at providing the survivors and/or their children with education/academic support. This includes scouting academic institutions for them which are either formal or informal that would help them continue their education. The survivors and/or their children also receive sponsorship either partially or fully to complete their education. We have been able to support around 20 children of survivors from Kathmandu, Nawalparasi, Nepalgunj and Surkhet. Currently we are supporting 17 children. You can support our Project Vriddhi through our following initiatives
Adopt a Child’s Education
If you are interested in supporting any child’s education, you can contribute to our donation drive “Adopt a Child’s Education”. We welcome any amount of contribution to our education scholarship fund which covers tuition fees(monthly fees of children ranges from NPR 5000-6000), examination fees, school supplies, and other school expenses. We have no funding from any donor organization for our education scholarship program. We have been supporting education through personal donations only. Through the program, one can cater to the educational needs of the child and facilitate access to the necessary tools and opportunities for success.
My Backpack
Children who are enrolled in school but are on the verge of dropping out due to insufficient materials can be saved from being pushed away from their bright future.“My Backpack” is our initiative under the Education Scholarship Program to provide our children with the educational stationery items such as pens, pencils, course books, notebooks, colors, school uniforms, school bags, lunch boxes, water bottles, and many more. Any amount of contribution is welcome!
Education Scholarship Form
Link to Form: