Our Priority Areas


What we do in Violence prevention:

Awareness and sensitization program

GBV knowledge and evidence strengthening

Empowerment of individual vulnerable to violence

Our violence prevention approach revolves around empowering individuals to take action against violence and breaking the silence surrounding issues of violence through awareness building, media advocacy, data-driven research, and sensitization. Our focus extends to the empowerment of individuals especially women and girls who are vulnerable to violence, through capacity-building, education, and livelihood enhancement programs. By providing engagement opportunities for men and boys in violence prevention, we aim to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to resist violence and build a safer community for all.


What we do in violence response:

Medical and psycho-social counseling support

Education/Academic Support

Capacity building of first responders (Nepal Police, Healthcare providers)

Empowering survivors of violence

Our violence response focuses on helping the victim recover from the immediate impact of violence. From our past experience working directly with ABV survivors, we recognize the urgency of this stage and strive to provide victims with the necessary resources and support to begin their journey toward healing and empowerment. Considering the importance of trauma-informed care, we conduct training programs for first responders namely police, healthcare providers, and others in the community to enhance their knowledge and sensitivity, aimed at creating a supportive environment for survivors to seek help during their time of need.